When to outsource your Mechanical Design

As a New Product Development (NPD) company we are asking our customers two leading questions that usually lead to other important questions.

1.      Do you have design engineering resources available in-house?

Do your in-house designers have specialization or previous experience with the application?

Is the area of product development part of your core business?

Do you have time to post jobs, interview candidates, and integrate new hires with your existing team?

2.      Is your project/product schedule critical?

If you need your design completed in a hurry, your best bet is outsourcing to an experienced engineering team. They’ll be able to work on the different areas of design in parallel, and their previous experience with the application will increase the chances of a first-time-right product.

If you outsource you’ll have immediate access to an efficient designing machine. The ramp up time (and cost) will be far less.

Is the area of design an ongoing need? Enough of a need to consistently keep full-time resources busy?

If you are truly thinking about these questions, then we should talk further about outsourcing some of  these functions.

Outsourcing will provide you with staffing flexibility during peak loads. You can just call your outsourced partner “Sakonnet DesignWorks” when you need them!